Root Canal Treatment in Zionsville, IN

Root canal treatment — also called endodontics (“endo” – inside, “dont” – tooth) — is a set of specialized procedures designed to treat problems of the soft pulp (nerve) tissue inside the tooth. While some mistakenly think of it as an unusually painful treatment, in most cases the procedure is no more uncomfortable than getting a filling. It's actually one of the most effective ways of relieving some kinds of tooth pain.

Root canal Indianapolis- Dr. Joseph Holland at Holland Dental

Root Canal Treatment Is Your Friend

We've all heard the gag: “I'd rather have a root canal...” This comedy line, comparing the procedure to something truly undesirable, may be funny — but putting off needed endodontic treatment is no joke. The idea that a root canal procedure invariably comes with complications and pain is a shopworn myth. It's certainly true that infection or inflammation in the tooth's pulp can be excruciatingly painful. But you should remember that having a root canal results in eliminating this acute pain and is not the cause of the pain. Root canal therapy can help you:

  • Enjoy a pain-free smile - If left untreated, an infected tooth could form painful abscesses that could require more severe and interventive treatment.
  • Avoid swelling and discomfort - An infection in the tooth can lead to swelling and pain around your face, cheeks, and neck.
  • Maintain healthy, natural teeth - There's nothing better than a natural tooth, and we can help you save them when they become infected with high-quality, pain-free root canal treatments.
Root Canal Zionsville Indiana - Dr. Holland and a patient at Holland Dental

What to Expect During Root Canal Therapy

If an examination shows that you do need root canal therapy, don't worry — it's one of the most routine and effective procedures in the arsenal of dental treatments and can often be accomplished in just one visit.

Following root canal treatment, your tooth may feel some sensitivity or tenderness for a few days. Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen are generally effective in relieving discomfort, but prescription medications may also be given if needed. During this period, it may help to avoid biting hard on the affected tooth. All of these symptoms, however, are temporary.

Root Canal problems - Signs and symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of Root Canal Problems

How do you know when you need a root canal? Sometimes, it's painfully obvious. If you feel constant and severe pain and pressure in your mouth, or noticeable swelling and extreme sensitivity in your gums, then it's clear you need an evaluation and treatment right away. Another telltale symptom of pulp tissue damage is sharp pain when you bite down on food. Lingering pain after eating hot or cold foods is also an indication of potential trouble. If you notice any of these symptoms, you need to have an examination as soon as possible.

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Has it been a while since your last visit? Bring back the sparkle to your smile — make an appointment to visit us!